

Four Significant Ways To Improve Your English Skills

Native English speakers also have steps of how they learn their native language. First, they listen, then they speak, and finally, they learn. Improving your English skills is a process that needs listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Listening and reading are receptive; it is an input, while speaking and writing are productive; these two need an individual to learn it as a second language. To be good in English, you need to embrace it, make this language a part of your life, at home, work, and when relaxing. To master a skill, you need to keep practicing it.


Listening is essential in learning English. Active listening will ensure that you understand the language, and it improves your fluency and confidence when speaking. How do you gain excellent listening skills? By being an active listener, which means, paying attention to the words and how they are said. Listen to music and be keen on the lyrics. Listen to movies, news, TV shows, and radio. You can watch films with the subtitles on then after you become more comfortable, practice watching without them. You can put play some English sound at home while running your errands to make your ears familiar with the languages.


This is mostly the hardest part, but after you can speak some little bit of it, you can improve on it in several ways. Converse more with people who speak better English. Talk to your classmates even when you are not in a class, or you can also talk and record yourself.


Reading is a mental process that can take some time; your mind requires time to attach meaning to what you say and understand the symbols used to represent the English language. The intellect also needs to perceive the structure and grammar used. Once you master practical reading skills, you will turn out to be so good at English in the future. Read anything that has been written in English, anywhere and everywhere if you can. Remember, to learn English; you should make it a part of you. You can start with switching your devices, for instance, the PC and phone language to English.


Even though some people find it intimidating, learning is essential to mastering English. You don’t need to be young to attend an English class; English is also taught to the elderly. Several institutions have English classes for the old to enroll and learn English. Be active and dedicated, for instance, write down notes indicating each word with its meaning so that when you come across it later, you can easily understand its context. You can also read blogs on the internet and comment on them using the same language. Interacting with people’s blogs by commenting is also a right way that will boost your classwork. Then practice, practice and practice!

International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

The International English Language Testing System, IELTS in short, is an international English language proficiency test for study, work and migration. You should sign up for this test, should you be interested in studying or working or even migrating overseas.

The IELTS results is a good declaration of your English language proficiency. Over 10,000 organizations around the world acknowledge it. This includes reputable educational institutions, professional associations and governments.


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